What was another alias for the Notorious B.I.G.Who did the song aimed at Nas called the "Takeover?".Who in hip hop utilizes the turntables?.You dont have to be an expert to answer these multiple choice. Who most recently retired from hip hop but came out of retirement shortly after? R&B and Hip Hop Quiz Game is a fun filled walk through history designed for casual music lovers.

This quiz is about: hip hop jay z nas 2000s rap underground rap club rap kanye west the college. He also wrote this entire bio himself in third person. His areas of interest range from cars and music to science, history, and. Which rapper from the Bronx battle MC Shan in hip hop's "golden era?" business hours and a trivia writer in his spare time.

It was used without permission and led to the group almost getting sued. Herc just began spinning records and, thus, the birth of a new music style.,text: Who was responsible for the first major hip hop hit?, correct: Sugar Hill Gang, incorrect: Chic,Run DMC,Ice Cube, fun fact: The song Rappers Delight was a sample of the song Good Times by Chic. It all started at a party that took place in the Bronx.,text: Who was responsible for the birth of hip hop?, correct: DJ Kool Herc, incorrect: Mick Jagger,Run DMC,Chic, fun fact: Hip hop was discovered because of observing the crowd's reaction to the records being played. Hip hop is not just about the music but about the clothing, dance, and even lifestyle.,text: When did hip hop start?, correct: 1973, incorrect: 1980,1976,1990, fun fact: Hip hop didn't become popular in the 70s but rose during the early 80s. Our quizzes motivate readers to test their. As hip hop has undergone some major changes, it now affects and reaches even the outskirts of the world. We explore a broad range of topics from sports to history, language to pop culture, personality to health. Lo que podemos afirmar con casi total seguridad, es que la consolidación del Hip-Hop como subcultura viene de la mano de Afrika Bambaataa y su la Fundación Zulu Nation en la década de los 70. The bouncy rhythm and light tone of the song was the reason for popularity.,text: In what year did hip hop become most popular in the United States?, correct: 2017, incorrect: 2020,2015,2013, fun fact: Hip hop is still closely associated with African American culture. Existen varios núcleos dentro de la historia de esta cultura que quieren 'hacer suyos' diferentes procesos culturales que forjaron el Hip-Hop. The pillars are the ones that encompass the styles and attitude for hip hop.,text: When did hip hop have its first major hit?, correct: 1979, incorrect: 1983,1975,1981, fun fact: The song "Rapper's Delight" introduced hip hop to the music industry. Rap, though, managed to establish itself as a whole new stand-alone musical style.,text: What are the elements of hip hop?, correct: Break dancing, turn tabling, rapping, and graffiti, incorrect: Instrumentals and angst,Style, attitude, and dance,Language and expression, fun fact: The four elements are said to be the pillars of hip hop music. The record debuted number 2 in Billboard's Top 200 and sold millions in its first seven days.,text: What music style emerged that were highly influenced by hip hop?, correct: Rap music, incorrect: RnB,Reggae,Punk Rock, fun fact: Originally, rap was just part of the elements found in hip hop. It is done by playing 2 records at the same time, moving the needle of the second turntable while the first continues to play.,text: In 1991, which group attained a new milestone in hip hop?, correct: N.W.A, incorrect: MC Hammer,2Pac,B.I.G, fun fact: N.W.A achieved this milestone with their track Niggaz4Life. Presently, it's known as Break Beat.,text: What is one new technique that emerged for turntable manipulation?, correct: Needle Dropping, incorrect: MIC drop,Drop the beat,Scratching, fun fact: Grandmaster Flash developed the technique. Text: What was the trick of spinning records by Kool Herc called?, correct: Merry Go Round, incorrect: Twist and turn,Needle Drop,The twist jockey, fun fact: Kool used a DJ setup and spun records, switching back and forth between two copies of the same record, thus, being the Merry Go Round.